At Phenomena, we are fellow parents building a new platform for experiential learning. If you’ve come to this page, you’re part of a special group that we’ve enlisted to help us understand how to improve these new experiences.
There are two parts to this process. First, your child will try out Phenomena’s experiences. Then you’ll fill out the survey.
Part 1: Your Child Tries Out Phenomena
Go to the Phenomena Experiences page on a Laptop, Desktop, or iPad (phones are not recommended)
Click “login”, then click “other”, and use the username “parent@parent.com” with pass “parents!”. This will enable access to all experiences.
Here are some potential instructions for your child: “We’re helping to test a new educational site called Phenomena. Browse through the Experiences page and try as many experiences as you’d like. Take as much time as you need.”
Please observe how long your child spends with Phenomena and how engaged they were with the Experiences. When they’re done, ask them what they thought.
Part 2: You Take the Survey
Click here or on the big link below to access the survey. If you have multiple children, please consider filling out the survey for each child that tried Phenomena.
The first 50 participants to complete the survey (and leave their e-mail address) will receive a $10 gift card from Amazon to their e-mail inbox.
Thank you for your participation and we encourage you to tell your friends about Phenomena and about this survey as well!
The Phenomena Team