Relative Velocity


Link to Experience:

Topics: physics, relative velocity, kinematics, frame of reference

Grades: 5-12

Standards: NGSS MS.PS2.A, HS.PS2.A

Duration to complete: 10-15 minutes

Learning outcome: Students will understand the concept of relative velocity, and the impact of switching the frame of reference.

In the Classroom

Pre-Experience (Things to Look Out For):

  • What is velocity? How does it differ from speed?

  • What do you predict that relative velocity will refer to?

  • Sitting in a car, how does the outside world appear? Still, or moving past you?

  • How about other cars? Do other cars going around the same speed appear to be moving quickly or still, from your seat in the car? Why do you think that is?

Post-Experience (Things to Think About):

  • How would you describe relative velocity as opposed to just velocity of an object?

  • When does an object appear to have a relatively greater velocity? A lesser one?

  • What are some examples of where we notice relative velocity in real life?

  • Does a car appear faster if you are driving towards each other or driving away? Why?

  • How can you calculate the relative velocity of an object on a moving sidewalk when viewed from the ground?

  • If you’re riding in the back of a pickup truck on the highway (safety disclaimer: don’t try this), and you jump up in the air, do you think you’d go flying off the back, or would you land back in the truck? Why?


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