Distance vs. Displacement


Link to Experience: https://play.phenomena.app/player/MKGPaeotg3NB17thu9SZ

Topics: physics, math, distance, displacement, magnitude

Grades: 8-10


Duration to complete: 5-10 minutes

Learning outcome: Students will understand what distance and displacement are, and the difference between them.

In the Classroom

Pre-Experience (Things to Look Out For):

  • What is distance? What units do we usually use to measure it?

  • What are some real-world situations in which we measure the distance something travels?

  • Have you ever heard of displacement? What do you think it means?

  • Try to predict — what do you think the difference is between distance and displacement?

Post-Experience (Things to Think About):

  • How would you summarize the difference between distance and displacement?

  • Can the magnitude of displacement ever be greater than the distance? Why or why not?

  • When does an object have a displacement of zero?

  • When does an object have a distance of zero?

  • What are some real-world situations in which it is important to distinguish between these two measurements?


Elastic Collisions


Rates and Unit Conversions