

Link to Experience: https://play.phenomena.app/player/njY8WROH88MLVRQKiu5O

Topics: physics, chemistry, evaporation, states of matter

Grades: 8-12


Duration to complete: 5 minutes

Learning outcome: Students will gain a better conceptual understanding of how evaporation works.

In the Classroom

Pre-Experience (Things to Look Out For):

  • Do you know what evaporation is? Try to define it in your own terms.

  • How do you think it might be different from vaporization/boiling?

  • What are some real-world examples of evaporation you’ve seen?

Post-Experience (Things to Think About):

  • Can you name a few scenarios where evaporation is essential?

  • Other than molecular speeds, what are the factors that can potentially affect evaporation?

  • Is there a temperature threshold for evaporation to happen?

  • When we get hot, we sweat, and our skin eventually dries due to evaporation. Why does this happen? What purpose does sweating serve? (Hint: it has to do with a heat-transfer that occurs as part of evaporation)


Principles of Equations (1/4)


Majorly Cool Triads