Majorly Cool Triads


Link to Experience:

Topics: music theory, chords, major triads

Grades: any

Duration to complete: 5-10 minutes

Learning outcome: Students will understand the intervals that make up major triads, such that they can build their own chords when presented with only a root note.

In the Classroom

Pre-Experience (Things to Look Out For):

  • Have you heard of a chord, or a triad? What do those words mean?

  • How about major, what do you think a major triad is?

  • Why are chords useful? What role do they play in music?

Post-Experience (Things to Think About):

  • What note intervals always make up a major triad?

  • How many distinct major triads are there?

  • How might other types of chords be built?

  • What do you anticipate being different for other chord types? What could be the same?




Graphing Systems of Equations