Majorly Cool Triads
Link to Experience:
Topics: music theory, chords, major triads
Grades: any
Duration to complete: 5-10 minutes
Learning outcome: Students will understand the intervals that make up major triads, such that they can build their own chords when presented with only a root note.
In the Classroom
Pre-Experience (Things to Look Out For):
Have you heard of a chord, or a triad? What do those words mean?
How about major, what do you think a major triad is?
Why are chords useful? What role do they play in music?
Post-Experience (Things to Think About):
What note intervals always make up a major triad?
How many distinct major triads are there?
How might other types of chords be built?
What do you anticipate being different for other chord types? What could be the same?