F = MA


Link to Experience: https://play.phenomena.app/player/55pchDkoM9znNVO03u28

Topics: physics, force, kinematics, mass, acceleration, Newton’s second law

Grades: 8-12

Standards: NGSS HS-PS2-1

Duration to complete: 10-15 minutes

Learning outcome: Students will understand the relationship between force, mass, and acceleration, as described by Newton’s Second Law (F = ma), and they will be able to solve for each variable by manipulating the equation.

In the Classroom

Pre-Experience (Things to Look Out For):

  • What is force, in your own words?

  • What is acceleration? How about mass?

  • What units do we use to measure these 3 variables?

  • Why does it make sense that when force increases, acceleration does, and vice versa?

Post-Experience (Things to Think About):

  • What two variables does the acceleration of an object depend on?

  • What can you say about the force being exerted on an object with a constant velocity?

  • If two objects have the same acceleration but one has less mass, how does the force being exerted on them differ?

  • How can you find mass given force and acceleration?


Full Atwood Machines


Force of Friction