Standing Waves
Link to Experience:
Topics: physics, waves, standing waves, frequency
Grades: 10-12
Duration to complete: 5-10 minutes
Learning outcome: Students will understand what standing waves are and why they happen.
In the Classroom
Pre-Experience (Things to Look Out For):
What is a wave?
How can we analyze waves? Define amplitude, wavelength, period.
Do you know what causes ocean waves to form?
Where in everyday life do waves show up, besides the ocean? What is the same between all of these types of waves?
What happens when a wave hits a wall?
What do you think would happen if two waves ran into each other?
Post-Experience (Things to Think About):
What is the difference between a wide and narrow wave? Which moves faster?
What do standing waves look like in those cases?
In this demo, waves are in a line (one-dimensional). What do you think waves in 2d and 3d look like? Can you think of examples?