Standing Waves


Link to Experience:

Topics: physics, waves, standing waves, frequency

Grades: 10-12


Duration to complete: 5-10 minutes

Learning outcome: Students will understand what standing waves are and why they happen.

In the Classroom

Pre-Experience (Things to Look Out For):

  • What is a wave?

  • How can we analyze waves? Define amplitude, wavelength, period.

  • Do you know what causes ocean waves to form?

  • Where in everyday life do waves show up, besides the ocean? What is the same between all of these types of waves?

  • What happens when a wave hits a wall?

  • What do you think would happen if two waves ran into each other?

Post-Experience (Things to Think About):

  • What is the difference between a wide and narrow wave? Which moves faster?

  • What do standing waves look like in those cases?

  • In this demo, waves are in a line (one-dimensional). What do you think waves in 2d and 3d look like? Can you think of examples?


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