Period of a Pendulum


Link to Experience:

Topics: physics, period, pendulums

Grades: 10-12


Duration to complete: 10-15 minutes

Learning outcome: Students will learn which factors do and do not impact the period of a pendulum, as well as understanding some of the math that underlies their motion.

In the Classroom

Pre-Experience (Things to Look Out For):

  • What is a pendulum? Can you name a few examples?

  • What is the word “period” referring to in this context? (Hint: it’s not the end of a sentence)

  • How do you expect the mass on a pendulum to affect its period? How about the length of the pendulum? Or even the starting angle? Make some predictions!

  • What trigonometric function do you get if you graph the position of a pendulum over time?

  • When is a pendulum moving fastest? Slowest? How slow is it going at its slowest point?

Post-Experience (Things to Think About):

  • Why does the pendulum mass not affect its period?

  • What factor(s) are being ignored in this simulation? How would they cause the outcome to change?

  • When is the pendulum period formula wrong? What does it assume?


Period of a Spring


Standing Waves