Simple Variables (Algebra)

At a glance:

Topics: variables, substitution, equations, expressions, algebra

Grades: 8-10

Standards: CCSS.Math 6.EE.A.2, 6.EE.B.5

Duration to complete: 10-15 minutes

Learning outcome: Students will learn what a variable is and how they’re used in simple equations. Students will learn how to find the correct value of a variable through experimentation and substitution.

Intro for students: If you’re new to Algebra, you’re probably wondering about the letters in the equations. Those are variables. They’re like magic numbers that could be any number. Play with them here and see how they work.

What makes this topic challenging for kids?

A common question in algebra is “why are there numbers in my math?”. The unfamiliar use of symbols in expressions is often challenging for students, and the seeming lack of real-world application may compel them to give up on learning the topic altogether.

What’s our approach?

Our approach to variables encourages experimentation. The goal for each frame is to find a value for the variable that makes the equation true. Students will opt to experiment with substituting different values until the correct one is found. As the experience progresses, students will naturally develop new, more efficient strategies for finding the value of a variable, as suggested by the captions. In addition, the experience provides a graphical representation of each equation, which helps soften the intimidating use of symbols in the written equation.

This experience takes an infamously misunderstood topic and presents it in a fun, approachable way.


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